Tenant Application for Water Services

In the event that you do not move into the property or the date is changed, please notify Aquarion immediately in order to avoid billing errors.

Note: If you prefer to download and fax the form back to us rather than complete it online, please use fax number 203-445-7308. For clarity purposes, please type the downloaded form rather than handwrite it.

If you have any questions or difficulty completing the form, please contact us at 203-445-7310 or 1-800-732-9678.

Date Service is Requested

Must be within last 30 days

Period of Lease (minimum 6 months)

Service Information

Billing Information

A valid phone number must be entered. We do not sell or utilitize your number for anything other than official Aquarion business, such as a “Code Red” in the event of water outages or other emergencies. If you would prefer to not receive these calls, please call our call center or email us at CS@aquarionwater.com.

(We will never disclose your email address)

Landlord Information

A valid phone number must be entered. We do not sell or utilitize your number for anything other than official Aquarion business, such as a “Code Red” in the event of water outages or other emergencies. If you would prefer to not receive these calls, please call our call center or email us at CS@aquarionwater.com.

We will never disclose your email address.

Have you ever had service with us before?
Address 1
Address 1
Address 2

By checking this box and submitting this form, I agree that I am responsible for the water utility bill from the date service is requested until I call to cancel my services. Additionally, I understand that a security deposit will be applied on my first bill (see fees below). When an account with a deposit has maintained an excellent credit rating (no late notices or fees) for one year, the deposit plus interest will be credited to the account at that time; or upon final termination of the account with Aquarion.

Security Deposit Fees

Residential Single-Family Tenant Deposits - Residential single-family tenants must provide a security deposit of $100. The Company will not refuse to provide utility service to a residential customer who lacks the financial ability to pay a security deposit as defined under Sec. 16-11-68 Customer Deposits of the Connecticut Agency Regulations of the PURA.

Commercial Tenant Deposits - Commercial tenants must pay a deposit that is equal to one and one half (1.5) months’ usage. An initial deposit of $100 will be required, which is reviewed for adequacy after the first bill. If usage is less than $100 for one and one-half (1.5) months, the deposit will be adjusted and the account will be credited. However, if usage is higher, the tenant may receive a request for an additional deposit up to $300. If a customer has an excellent credit rating with Aquarion, the security deposit for a new location may be waived. Deposits are subject to simple interest at the legal rates as subscribed under the General Statutes.

IMPORTANT - this box must be checked
Note: All fields are required unless specified

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