PFAS Information | Woodbury System

Aquarion actions to address PFAS

On June 15, 2022, the US EPA issued revised health advisories for four PFAS based on new information on the life-long exposure risk to these compounds. CT DPH also issued revised guidance on June 15, 2022 with the issuance of Action Levels for four PFAS compounds.

Below are Aquarion's sampling results for the Woodbury System in Woodbury, Connecticut, addressing PFOS levels in that community above the newly-established action levels of 10 ppt.


scientist testing flask of water

About the Woodbury System

The Woodbury System (PWS ID CT1680011) in Woodbury, Connecticut consists of two groundwater sources:

  1. Woodbury Well #1: PFOS historical average of Non-Detect with 0 of 2 historical samples (as of June 2022) above new Action Level of 10 ppt
  2. Woodbury Well #2/3: PFOS historical average of 10 ppt with 1 of 3 historical samples (as of June 2022) above new Action Level of 10 ppt

Action plan summary for the Woodbury System

See below for an action plan summary for the Woodbury System in Woodbury, Connecticut:

  • Short-term solution: Aquarion has installed a temporary treatment system at Woodbury Well #2/3 to remove PFAS.  This treatment system became operational on February 10, 2023.
  • Long-term solution: Aquarion is currently designing a permanent PFAS treatment system for future construction at Woodbury Well #2/3.

Aquarion will remain vigilant about this important issue and will continue to share test results with our customers and state and local officials. We will also continue to work with public health agencies and drinking water associations to ensure the protection of our drinking water supplies, and delivery of high-quality water to our customers.

Woodbury System PFAS Sampling Results

The table below includes historical sampling results for the Woodbury PFAS System, highlighting individual results above the new PFOS Action Level of 10 ppt:

Woodbury System PFAS sampling results

Additional Resources

Learn more about PFAS and the Connecticut Department of Public Health's Drinking Water Section Strategy at

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