CT New Service FAQs

FAQs About Starting New Service - Connecticut

  • Visit your Town and/or City Hall and review on your deed.
  • Review your building permit.
  • Connecting to our water mains is contingent upon the existence of an adequately sized distribution water main located in a public right of way, or water company easement, abutting your property.
  • If your property does not have frontage on a road with an Aquarion water main, you will be directed to our Engineering & Planning Department  to discuss the process of installing a water main extension. You may contact the Engineering Department at newservices@aquarionwater.com.
  • Each tap (connection to our water main) will be for the sole purpose of supplying water to one curb valve, one curb box, one meter, and one building. No more than one meter off of one tap/connection is allowed.
  • Every connection will require its own New Services Inquiry Form.
  • For a building that will have multiple residential and/or commercial tenants, only one meter and one fire sprinkler line will be allowed. Should this be a building with many units, you can apply to PURA for a sub-metering exception.

To pay for a new tap, only a check is permitted. Please make your checks payable to Aquarion Water Company in the amount you have been quoted.

  1. Complete and submit the New Services Inquiry form in your state above.
  2. Within minutes of submitting, you will receive an email from the Aquarion New Services Department acknowledging receipt of your inquiry. The email will include your New Service Inquiry Number—keep this number handy as you continue through this process.
  3. Within eight (8) business days, Aquarion’s New Services Department will email you advising you whether you are able to connect to our water main. If there is a water main in front of your property and you can connect to Aquarion’s water, this email will include the necessary forms you will need to fill out, sign, and return to the Aquarion New Services Department. Some of these forms will also require additional signatures; please refer to the directions provided on the specific forms sent to you. You will also receive diagrams that will be helpful to you during the New Services Process.
  4. forms sent to you. You will also receive diagrams that will be helpful to you during the New Services Process.
  5. Water Main Extension (if applicable)
    1. If a water main extension is required and is already in the planning stages, the New Services Department will wait to hear back from both Aquarion’s Engineer & Planning Department and you, the requestor, when the main has been completed.
    2. If a water main extension is required and is not being considered by Aquarion at this time, you will receive an email detailing your next steps.
  6. Mail the tap fee to Aquarion New Services Department.
  7. Fill out and sign all paperwork required by Aquarion New Services Department. Ensure this paperwork has been signed by all appropriate individuals (property owner, engineers, town and officials, if necessary) prior to returning documents to Aquarion New Services Department.
  8. Send all paperwork to Aquarion’s New Services Department.
  9. Tap fee is received by Aquarion New Services Department.
  10. Paperwork is received by Aquarion New Services Department.
  11. Aquarion Cross Connections, if required, given copies of documents.
  12. Aquarion Cross Connections, if required, will communicate and/or meet with property owner.
  13. Meter pit to be purchased by property owner (after being sized by Aquarion New Services Department)
  14. Meter pit installed by property owner.
  15. Once all Cross Connection requirements are met (if applicable), Cross Connections will advise Aquarion New Services Department and property owner that it is acceptable to proceed with the meter set.
  16. If Cross Connections is not required, then the property owner, or their designee, is to contact Aquarion New Services Department NewServices@aquarionwater.com to schedule the meter set.
  17. A member of the Aquarion New Services Department will schedule the appointment for the meter set, which is typically within three (3) to four (4) business days.
  18. Property owner, or designee, to contact the Aquarion approved tapping contractor (New Services will advise you who this has been assigned to) to schedule the tap (connection).
  19. Tap done.
  20. Property is connected!

For public safety, Aquarion recommends that all fire hydrants, public or private, have independent connections from fire sprinkler lines and/or water service lines.

  • Fire hydrants may become damaged and require shut down. And having both systems on the same connection may reduce the water flow to each. This jeopardizes the intended design, which is public and life safety. By separating your fire service line and hydrant, you and your property will be protected with available water during an emergency. 

Public Fire Hydrants

Public fire hydrants are owned by Aquarion and paid for by the Town or City they are located in.

  • The local Fire Marshal and Senior City/Town Official must sign off on the Hydrant Form.
  • In most cases, Aquarion is responsible for maintaining the public fire hydrant.

Private Fire Hydrants

Private fire hydrants are purchased, installed, owned, and maintained (inspected/tested) yearly by the property owner. Property owners will receive a bill for each of the hydrants on their property from Aquarion.

  • The local Fire Marshal and Senior City/Town Official must sign off on the Hydrant Form.
  • All hydrants must be installed in an open area (not behind gates, fences, buildings, or surrounded by landscaping, trees, or bushes).

The New Services Process involves:

  • Determining if there is an Aquarion water main in front of your building.
    • If there is an existing water main:
      • What size is it?
      • How many other buildings are connected to it?
  • Understanding what the intended water use will be for your building.
  • Understanding water pressure. Note: Aquarion is mandated to provide between 25 and 125 pounds per square inch (psi) at the tap.
    • If the water pressure is above 125 psi, a Pressure Reducing Valve will be required.
      • A signed High Service Agreement is required. Once you receive the High Service Agreement from Aquarion, you will need to have your signature notarized. Once this is completed, please bring it to your Town Clerk's office and have them file it on your land records. Each Town/City is different, but typically there is a per page fee to file. Once the Town Clerk stamps your papers with the date/page/volume and Town seal, please ask for a copy that you will send to the New Services Department at Aquarion Water.
      • Customer purchases, owns, and maintains the Pressure Reducing Valve.
    • If the water pressure is below 25 psi, then the inclusion of a Pressure Booster Pump is suggested.
      • A signed Limited Service Agreement is required. Once you receive the Limited Service Agreement from Aquarion, you will need to have your signature notarized. Once this is completed, please bring it to your Town Clerk's office and have them file it on your land records. Each Town/City is different, but typically there is a per page fee to file. Once the Town Clerk stamps your papers with the date/page/volume and Town seal, please ask for a copy that you will send to the New Services Department at Aquarion Water.
      • Customer purchases, owns, and maintains the Pressure Booster Pump
    • The size of the pipes and meter are determined based on the needs of your building and/or engineer.

Aquarion’s Responsibilities

  • The tap, which includes:
    • Connection to the water main (tap)
    • Service line from the water main to the curb valve
    • The curb valve
    • The curb box is installed with the original tap fee ONLY when the tap fee is paid directly to Aquarion. After installation, the curb box becomes the property and responsibility of the property owner.

Owner Responsibilities

The owner provides and is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the following:

  • All required local and state permits
    • Road opening
    • Plumbing/Building Departments
    • Excavation, if applicable
      • Owner hires excavator
        • Owner ensures shoring/trench box is installed in all trenches
      • Traffic Control
        • Owner is responsible to hire and pay for whatever is required by your town/city.
    • Any other permits as deemed required by your local authority
  • The meter pit or meter vault
  • The meter horn/setting when designated by Aquarion New Services Department
  • All materials and installation costs required by your contractor for:
    • Service line (connection from the curb valve to the meter pit)
    • Service line (connection from the meter pit to the house)
    • Any and all materials, valves, etc. required to connect to the internal plumbing of the building
  • The property owner owns and is responsible for the service line from the curb valve (inside the curb box) to the meter pit, the meter pit, and the service line to the house as well as the plumbing inside the house. More information: Who Owns What
  • If the contractor does not do the excavation, then the property owner must hire an excavator to obtain all necessary permits, open the road, backfill the road after the tap is performed and install temporary pavement. Up to 90 days later (please check your local City/Town regulations), the excavator/contractor is responsible to come back and install permanent paving. Aquarion Water Company is not responsible for any pavement or trench repairs before, during or after the waiting period.
    • If the road to be tapped is a State of CT road, then Aquarion is required to sign the State of CT DOT Encroachment Permit. Note: Additional time is required if tapping a State Road.
  • When Aquarion is paid for a new tap the following is included (See Rates)
    • The property owner has the option of selecting an Aquarion Approved Contractor or another contractor of their choosing to install the meter pit (Aquarion Approved Vendors and Installation Diagram) that is to be installed within 5-10’ of the curb valve on the customers property (Installation Diagram) and service line from the curb valve to the house. If the contractor cannot excavate the trench, then the property owner must also hire an excavator. The excavator must obtain all necessary permits, open the road, refill the road after the tap is performed and install a temporary pavement. Up to 90 days later, (please check your local City/Town regulations), the excavator/contractor is responsible to return and install permanent paving.
    • If the road to be tapped is a State of CT road, then Aquarion will sign the Encroachment Permit. Note: Additional time is required if tapping a State Road.
  • Should your property require a meter larger than 2”, the meter must be installed inside the building in a heated room. Should a vault be needed, please contact Aquarion for information.
Please visit our Contact Us page to get in touch.
Please check the email previously sent to you from Aquarion New Services Department to see when your appointment has been scheduled. If you can't find the email please contact our Customer Service Department.

After the meter pit is installed by your contractor and an Aquarion Service Technician installs the meter in the meter pit, you should advise our New Services Department that the meter has been installed and you are ready to schedule the tap.

You will receive an email from Aquarion New Services Department advising you of the date and timeframe that your property will be connected to Aquarion’s Water Main.


The connection to Aquarion’s water main is the further of these the following:

  • The half way point of your property width


  • The halfway point of the building
  • You, the requestor, are responsible to hire a contractor to purchase all materials required and install your new water service. Aquarion has a list of Approved Contractors that work in conjunction with us to install your New Services should you need any suggestions.
  • The fee must be paid to Aquarion prior to Aquarion approving the tapping of the water main.
  • There are several costs associated with connecting to an Aquarion Water Main.
  • The tap (connection to our water main) fee (paid to Aquarion) is based on the size of the tap and is approved by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA). (See Rates)
    • The tap fee includes the connection to the water main.
    • Installing and providing the materials from the connection at the main to the curb valve (emergency shut off valve).
    • A curb valve.
    • A curb box.
    • The fee paid to an excavator/contractor:
      • Open the road, open the yard to install the meter pit and service line, connect service line into the house.
      • Obtain all necessary permits to open the road.
      • Dig the road from your property line to the water main in the street.
      • Provide a “trench box.”
      • Fill in the trench after the water line is installed by one of Aquarion's Approved Contractors.
      • Install temporary pavement.
      • Up to 90 days later*, install permanent pavement. (*See your specific City or Town regulations regarding the timeframe.)
    • The fee paid to your contractor:
      • Purchase and install a meter pit. (Aquarion Approved Vendors and Installation Diagram)
      • Purchase and install the service line materials to connect from the curb valve to the meter pit and from the meter pit to the house.
      • Labor, equipment, and any other charges necessary to perform this job.
  • Please submit the New Services Inquiry form. If you need to move where your service line comes into your property, a new tap will be required, and the original tap will be severed from our water main. Please mention this in your New Services Inquiry Form. If applicable, attach links for Demo/TSO.
  • Explain why the connection requires a change.
  • In our response, we will include documents that your engineer will need to fill out and sign in accordance with the water and/or fire demand requirements for your property.
Each building will require its own connection to our water main. Should you have multiple buildings on one site, then a site map is requested and should be attached to the New Services Inquiry Form so our New Services Department can review it.
You are not required to connect. If you decide you want to connect to Aquarion’s water, please follow the New Services Inquiry process for your state above.
  • Please email our Engineering & Planning Department Engineering@aquarionwater.com for more information.
  • If a water main is not planned, we suggest you speak to your neighbors to see if they are interested in sharing the costs of installing a water main.
  • A backflow preventer is a means or mechanism to prevent backflow. The basic means of preventing backflow is an air gap, which either eliminates a cross-connection or provides a barrier to backflow. The basic mechanism for preventing backflow is a mechanical backflow preventer, which provides a physical barrier to backflow. The principal types of mechanical backflow preventer are the reduced-pressure principle assembly, the pressure vacuum breaker assembly, and the double check valve assembly. A secondary type of mechanical backflow preventer is the residential dual check valve.
  • Visit our FAQs page for more information.

You have the option of keeping the well or severing from it entirely.

Meters and Meter Pits
Aquarion Water Company requires that all meters be located in a meter pit (Meter Pit Sketch & Proper Installation) which is located within 5’-10’ on the building side of the curb box on the customer’s property.
Aquarion may ask for a site map or other information in order to determine where the meter pit should be placed. We encourage you to attach a photo, site map, or sketch with your New Services Inquiry form. If you have already submitted the form without attaching this information, you may send further details to NewServices@aquarionwater.com. Please include your New Services Inquiry Number in your email. This number can be found on the email you received after filling out the New Services Inquiry Form as well as the property address.
  • Please download the Meter Pit Sketch for the proper way the meter pit needs to be installed.
  • Please note that this is for general purposes only and not site or size specific for your property.

Yes. Water meters will not be installed in new customer piping systems unless a suitable electrical bonding connection has been provided by the customer around the meter, whether installed inside or in a meter pit. Such bonding must be in compliance with the NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC)-2011 and local power company electrical service installation regulations. Section 250.53 states:

  • 250.53 (D) (1) – Continuity. Continuity of the grounding path or the bonding connection to interior piping shall not rely on water meters or filtering devices and similar equipment.
  • Aquarion assumes no responsibility for continuity of electrical grounding systems by the installation or removal of its meter.
  • Please consult with your electrical contractor to ensure your installation meets with all applicable NFPA 70 NEC-2011 requirements.
Aquarion’s Service Technician will check the meter pit when they install the meter. At that time, the Service Technician will determine if there are any problems, such as backward installation (Installation Diagram). If there is a problem, the Service Technician will contact the person listed on the notification and alert them as to what needs to be corrected.
Please forward your building plans or drawings to our New Services Department for review and determination of what the metering needs will be for your property.

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